Chroma 2.0 Introduction

Chroma 2.0 Introduction

Those of you transferring over from MMA2 may be familiar with how Chroma 1 works - while there are some similarities, Chroma 2.0 offers exponentially more functionality and freedom when lighting beatmaps.

For those who are just starting out in their mapping journey - Welcome!

The main difference between the events used in Chroma 1 and 2.0, is that the 2.0 events combine the colour and the event type into a single event.

Chroma 1

Equivalent Chroma 2

Chroma 1

Equivalent Chroma 2

Chroma 2.0 also gives you full control over the Alpha (can be used for smoother fades/brighter or dimmer light effects), Any ring speed control that may be included in the environment, Precision and continuous laser speed control, and Light ID. You can also have different RGB values for individual notes, walls and obstacles.

All of the Chroma 2.0 Docs can be found here:




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