CM Supports a total of 13 languages and counting, Feel free to pick the one you are most comfortable with. If you know a more than one language you can contribute by either voting on existing translations or adding missing ones on crowdin:
Discord Rich Presence
Discord will show stats about the map you are currently working on in your status, like note count, obstacle count, and event count.
Dark Mode
Enabling this will disable menu and loading screen images, replacing them with a black screen.
Installation Path
This is where you can modify where CM looks for your Beat Saber files.
Auto Save
Probably a good idea to enable this
Auto Save Interval
The lower the interval is, the bigger the folder gets. If you are running low on space, consider raising this number.
Instant Pause Menu Transitions
Makes the pause menu snap instead of fade.
Helpful Loading Messages
UI Scale
Use this slider if your monitor uses a strange resolution (or just if you prefer the look better)
Locks ChroMapper’s framerate to the refresh rate of your monitor. For example, if you have a 60Hz monitor, ChroMapper will be locked to 60FPS. VSync is disabled by default.
Maximum FPS
This sets the maximum framerate that ChroMapper will run at, potentially above the refresh rate of your display. The VSync option will override this setting.
Settings - General